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Interesting question 🤔 How would YOU answer that? I reckon there would need to be a few 'must haves'. Here are my 'Friday 5' 1️⃣ Believe you had a talent that's worth sharing in the first place - right?! ✔self-belief 2️⃣ Able to handle rejection and setbacks ✔resilience 3️⃣ Take some risks by stretching your comfort zone ✔courage 4️⃣ Through mistakes, learn what works ✔perseverance 5️⃣ Be clear about why you do what you do ✔motivation 🌟 Meet 'Spud the Piper' - a gifted musician who 'ticks all the boxes'......never failing to exceed customer expectations whenever (and wherever) he pipes for them 🎶 Spud does this by being different and going way beyond the ordinary. He shares his unique talent and passion that's infectious with a huge following - creating an element of surprise along the way...... 🤔 So, what does 'different' look like? Here's a photo I saw this week, filmed in the Scottish Highlands. Now I know this place well - the bridge is high and the bridge is narrow - and there's no way I'd ever attempt to even walk across it!! Spud embodies self-belief, courage, and motivation in abundance 🌟 When I'm 'home' in the Highlands out walking and imagine I hear the pipes playing, I have to correct myself....I just know it'll be Spud. I've heard and seen it for myself on many an occasion....and in the most remote and unlikely places! Stirs the soul 🕉 👰‍♀️ I've huge respect and gratitude for Spud who played at a family wedding a few years ago. Not your usual bridal song as my cousin walked down the aisle.....but Abba's instrumental, 'The Procession' (wonderful) SURPRISING....AMAZING....UNFORGETTABLE 💥 You're a piper like no other, Spud.

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