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I'm sure I'm not alone in seeing a tsunami of posts and emails about smashing any remaining goals, making the time count, packing as much as you can into the last couple of weeks - so you can end the year 'on a high' 🤔 Have you seen this too?

I don't know about you, but that mission-critical turbo-charged drive to do more in a short space of time leaves me on anything but a high 🤯

Does it make you feel under pressure, or is it motivating for you? After all, we're all different and difference is to be valued ◻ 🕳

Why not give yourself permission to be yourself, rather than try to fit into someone else's measure of success? 🧩

How about ending 2022 in a way that acknowledges how far you've come, opens up space for being at peace with yourself, and celebrating the holiday period with those close to you? Take time for you and yours👨‍👩‍👧‍👦

❄ Winter is the perfect time for rest, reflection, and recharge

☯ letting go of what's passed

☯ having the space to think

☯ will seeds sown in past months take root, or lie dormant?

☯ will new inspirations/plans gradually unfold over Winter?

☯ emerging with the more creative energy of Spring?

We're in, what I call, that 'space between' where boundaries are flexible - dialling up or dialling down our energy according to our needs.

Rather than making grand gestures about smashing goals and setting unrealistic expectations for the remainder of this month, I'd like to suggest that we remind ourselves just how far we've come in the past couple of years 👏

How well we've learned to adapt to the upending 🎢 of life as we knew it before March 2020, but also acknowledging that the stresses and strains of huge change can - and do - take their toll. I call it the 'post-pandemic effect'.......and it's real.

It's important to take a step back and press pause ⏸ before moving forward - that way we can be more sure-footed, with the momentum to step fully into new initiatives that will shape the coming year 👣

I'll leave the last word to the wisdom of Gandalf. We all have a choice - choose wisely for yourself.

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